We Stopped AB 201!

Due to the efforts of registrants, family members and supporters Assembly Bill 201 was stopped today during a Public Safety Committee hearing. During a vote of its members, only 2 of 7 members voted in support of the bill while the remaining 5 members either voted “no” or abstained from voting.

“We succeeded today because of letters sent and phone calls made to members of the Public Safety Committee,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “We sincerely thank you all for showing, standing up and speaking up on this important issue.”

As a result of the defeat of AB 201 today, the bill can not be considered during the remainder of 2016.
“Committee Chairman Bill Quirk led today’s efforts to defeat the bill,” stated Bellucci. “He reminded committee members that the state’s expert, the CA Sex Offender Management Board, concluded that the bill would be more harmful than helpful. He added that the presence restrictions in the bill amounted to de facto residency restrictions because a registrant could not live where he/she could not be present.”

During the Committee hearing, a total of 16 people spoke in opposition to AB 201 and only three people spoke in its favor. Those speaking in opposition to the bill included representatives from the CA Sex Offender Management Board, the ACLU, and California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. Those speaking in favor of the bill were representatives from the Orange County District Attorney’s office, the Orange County Board of Supervisors and the City of Carson.


CA State Legislature to Consider Presence Restrictions Bill on Jan. 12

Bill Analysis for Public Safety Committee Hearing, January 12 (Jan 11)

Unofficial Ballot

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Excellent news. Janice, Chance, Frank, Bill Quirk and the 4 others who either voted No or abstained, Thank You. One step forward for tolerance and real safety. One step backward for the criminalization of normal behavior and draconian restriction for one arbitrary class of ex-offender and a different one for all others. Again, thank you Janice.

I have no words to describe my ongoing, Heartfelt, gratitude for everything that Janice, Chance, and all others are accomplishing. This is truly an amazing feat and I am breathing a sigh of hope that reality may eventually prevail, even if only one step at a time. I have only 5 months remaining with a gps and incredibly restrictive conditions. (3 years suddenly turned into 5, Thanks for furthering the new racism in this state Cal Supreme Court.. ) I’m a bit hobbled for now but would very much like to assist in any way I can in the 3rd week of June. Thank you everyone for helping.

Once again, Janice our savior!

Many drops of rain create a torrent which washes away that which is not founded on truth. Thank you all for standing together and creating a sound greater than the sum of our individual voices. May next time there be even more people who say no to these ridiculous laws.

To Janice, and to everybody who made phone calls and sent letters, you guys are awesome, we are gaining strength and I can honestly say the tide is changing, thank you ;] :]

Thank you so very much!!!

Janice, thanks for being a role model for registered citizens. The key takeaway I realized as I stood with 15 others in that room in the capitol was this: This bill could have made our lives living nightmares, but it didn’t because of Janice and others who took action rather than hiding in fear and denial.

Having 16 people today was great, but where were the other 100,000 registered citizens? Sixteen people can’t do all the work. We need your help! Please click the Donate button on this website, come to CARSOL meetings, and come to the capitol for at least one of our fights this year to defend your rights.

I really appreciate CA RSOL’s efforts. My husband and I wrote letters and called to oppose AB201. My husband made a mistake almost 7 years ago and he doesn’t deserve more punishment for something he did in his mid-20’s. We’re about to start a family and these dumb sex offender laws will be a challenge. But we love each other and will make it work (as we have for 5 years since we started dating)! Thanks again to all.

This is an important step forward and thanks are richly deserved. But there’s a very long way to go. Also deserving of credit is Chairman Quirk and the others who appeared to actually heed the advice of their own body, the CASOMB. Hope this sets a precedent: legislators actually acting according to the expert advice they paid for. More generally I hope to live long enough to see the fiction of “merely an administrative measure” join the dustbin of history along with “separate but equal”.

This is an amazing feat of political action. I have been keeping a low profile but plan to be much more active in the future. All you brave souls who are willing to take on this draconian system are just awesome. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

T?his is incredible, and it not just a testament to Janice Bellucci and her undaunting efforts, but to the incredible support talent surrounding her. Finally, to everyone who thinks that such action by legislatures is impossible to stop, it is actually proving out that the so-called default result of more restrictions is a myth!

This entire process needs to be duplicated in all 58 states and territories of the United States of America. Kudos to the team and to everyone who participated in this well-deserved victory!

PS Who were the two neanderthals who voted for this monstrosity?

Thank you everyone, especially Janice, for making this happen. In a way, it did not surprise me, as this is the only right decision they could have made. Logic and intelligence prevailed, so there is hope. I had two things to look at this morning: 1 The Lotto Ticket to see if I won, and 2 this site to see the results of yesterday’s hearing. I did not win the lottery, but I feel like I have won even bigger seeing the news about being AB201 being struck down. Other states should stand united as well as together we can accomplish more. Thank you!!!

Thank you very much Janice and all who took the time and effort to make calls and show up to the hearing yesterday.

Janice and all involved: Thank you for championing our cause, we as always owe you more than an undying debt of gratitude.

Thank you Janice and team for all your help in defeating this bill! The best way to show my appreciation is to continue to fight for the cause and there are several options as to how a person can help. Educating and not being afraid to talk to people is one of them as well as attending the RSOL meetings and rallies. Financial support is also needed if you can send something, even a little helps. Letters and calls to our politicians when requested. Again Thanks to all

Thank you Janice & TEAM! This is fantastic news!!!!

Sent emails and voted no on hr515. Anyone know what’s up with the internet indentifier bill? Someone in general comments stated that bill was on the move again. Is that true?

I too must stop and thank all those who are on the front line and fighting for all registered citizens. We are better off because of your efforts!

Many many thanks to everyone!.. Janice, thank you so much for going through the difficulties you do to help people you do not even know. You are so incredibly kind!

Thank you for your leadership.

This is GREAT work. Keep up the good work everyone and I will continue donate to this worthy cause!

Check out the comment I received….If we all keep informing thee lawmakers we might someday prevail at getting our rights restored. There seems to actually be some members that still have common sense and decency.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for contacting me regarding Assembly Bill 201 by Assembly Member Brough, Assembly Member Gipson, and Assembly Member Steinorth which would allow cities and counties to adopt sex offender ordinances that are more restrictive than state law. I appreciate the opportunity to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Assembly Bill 201 failed to receive enough votes to pass the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. I will absolutely keep your opinion in mind should I have the opportunity to vote on a similar bill in the future.

California is better served when people like you take the time to make sure we have adequate information on the issues. An informed and engaged citizenry is important to effective government in our Golden State.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to make sure I understand your opinion on AB 201. It is very important that I understand your views.

Please do not hesitate to call me at (619) 596-3136 or reach me via e-mail at Senator.Anderson@Senate.Ca.Gov if there is ever anything I can do for you. Thank you.



Joel Anderson
State Senator

I think this is wonderful news! I’m very happy and glad they made the right decision. Otherwise, these laws would almost make travelling throughout Cslifornia impossible to do, without breaking a law. Thank you Janice and all those who support her. I suggest people continue to remain positive, continue supporting this cause and realize change takes time. I also suggest posting only positive and constructive comments. Best to everyone

from Chuck

Actually, if we filed a National class action lawsuit in Federal Court stating that our civil rights are being violated; if won, they would have to eliminate Megan’s Law. Federal Court is responsible for reviewing the Constitution & the Bill Of Rights, aren’t they? I believe just the way Megan’s Law is written violates the Constitution.