Final Presence Restrictions Lawsuit Ends in Settlement

The City of Carson has agreed to settle the final presence restrictions lawsuit pending in the state of California. A total of 31 lawsuits were filed starting with the City of Lancaster in December 2012. As a result of these lawsuits, the only presence restriction that remains is a state law that prohibits registrants on parole from visiting public parks without first obtaining permission from a parole officer.

“This is a significant victory,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The City of Carson has agreed to honor the terms of the original settlement agreement it entered into by revising its ordinance to be consistent with state law.”

The new agreement settles a lawsuit filed in state court based upon the city’s breach of contract related to a prior settlement agreement reached in July 2014. The City also entered into a settlement agreement regarding a federal lawsuit in January 2016.

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Thank you Janice.

Excellent work. I hope you won expenses.

Congratulations Janice. Well done!

God Bless you, Janice, et al, for remaining a calm, consistent and diligent force behind maintaining and restoring the civil rights of all Americans in California. I shudder when I think of what California would be like today if not for you. Thank you for fighting for us!

Awesome. I spend a lot of time in Carson. I have family in Carson and I shop in Carson. So this finally coming to settlement is great news.

Thank you for everything Janice!

Thank you Janice and all!!

job well done! thank you Janice , and everyone else that helped pull this piece of the wall down

Thank you Janice. You are the best!!

Should have taken all of their “stadium” money for the crap they pulled.

wooowhoo! Congrats Janice and team! = )

Thank you for all your hard work and perseverance Janice. As a huge soccer fan, I’ve always dreamed of seeing a Los Angeles Galaxy and US soccer game, and now I can.

I know in the grand scheme of things, that dream is pretty trivial, but it means the world to me and is indicative of the freedoms you have helped restore to so many. Thank you.

“This is war. We’ll fight to the death. We’re not gonna let the perverts take over the city of Carson…. oh, what? We’re actually facing a serious legal challenge and we’re going to end up getting our asses kicked in court.
Oh well. We got all of our pandering rhetoric out there might as well settle”.

What a bunch of nut delusional nutjobs.

” This Is War. We will fight to the death. We’re not going to let the Pirates take over the city of Carson… oh, what? We are facing a serious legal Challenge and I’ll get our asses kicked in court?
Well, we’ve already gotten all of our pandering rhetoric out there. Probably got as much mileage out of this as we can. Might as well settle”.

What a bunch of self-righteous, pandering,delusional nutjobs. Those Council people and the Runners and everybody out there that just purposefully lied about the facts of these matters to make themselves look good to the public politically. Shame on all of them.

If we are keeping it real we know some registered citizens have done some shameful things. No one is denying that. But no need to compound it with public servants doing shameful thingd in the name of Justice. When it has nothing to do with Justice

Janice, your team’s hard work paid off for all of us–not just those in Carson–because other cities will notice that these unjust laws can’t be passed without CA RSOL fighting back! Thanks very much.

If anyone can hang their hat on fighting a social injustice you can Janice–you methodically and one by one tore them a new one… You’re my hero! you sure shot down their ( any city’s) momentum!!

So, then, what does the remaining Carson law say, what does it affect? OK, not presence restrictions, but what does it impose?

All who live/register in unincorporated Riverside county are still subject to presence restrictions they had me sign an acknowledgement form a while back, when I brought this up they stated that the County just formed a new ordnance code for it. As far as I know the Riverside County presence ordnance is still in full effect.